The Top 5 Foods That You Should Eat Daily For Clean Arteries

Here are the top 10 foods that you should eat daily for clean arteries.

1. Broccoli
Broccoli is high in vitamin K which prevents calcification or hardening of arteries.  This vegetable is packed with numerous nutrients which protect against oxidation of LDL cholesterol and serious heart conditions.

It is also rich in fiber which manages stress, regulates blood pressure, and thus prevents tears and eventually plaque build-up in arterial walls.

2. Garlic
Another healthy food to cleanse your arteries naturally is garlic.

Garlic is rich in antioxidants that help inhibit the action of free radicals, making it an essential ingredient in preventing heart problems and blocked arteries.

3. Spinach
Spinach is loaded with vitamins and fiber and it has the ability to reduce enzymes associated with heart disease.

4. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds have been traditionally used in the Mayan and Aztec cultures, as they have a myriad of health benefits.

This plant is the highest in omega 3 fatty acids plant, and it is also rich in fiber, making it ideal for reducing bad cholesterol, managing blood pressure and clearing the arteries.

You can eat chia seeds in numerous ways. You can sprinkle the dry seeds on oatmeal and yogurt, or add them to salads and crunchy dishes. Also, leave a tablespoon of chia seeds to 3 tablespoons of water to soak for half an hour, and add the gel-like mixture to smoothies, desserts, and even baking recipes.

Remember to stay properly hydrated when consuming chia seeds, as they absorb lots of water.

5. Green Tea
Green tea is a great source of catechins, antioxidant plant phenols which can hinder the cholesterol absorption during digestion.

In order to improve your blood-lipid levels and reduce arterial blockage, you should drink 1-2 cups of green tea every day. Green tea is a natural metabolism booster, so it will help in weight loss, and boost your cardiovascular health.