The Cure For Acid Reflux, Heartburn And Bloating That No Doctor Thinks To Prescribe

When you experience a burning sensation after a meal, it means you are dealing with acid reflux which is a sign that something is wrong in your body. Many people worldwide deal with this issue, which Is why in this article we will present you how you can maintain acid levels in the stomach. However, first you need to understand the importance of stomach acid reflux.

Acids are essential for digestions, the process of converting food into molecules that will wither be absorbed by the body or being eliminated.

These acids that aid digestion are made of hydrochloric acid and pepsin by the parietal cells in the stomach.

This acid has a major role in absorbing minerals such as magnesium, sodium and iron. On the other hand, pepsin is an enzyme that decomposes proteins and it is activated by the hydrochloric acid.

In most of the cases, acid reflux is associated with high levels of stomach acid which is sometimes solved by the use of antacid to neutralize stomach acid. Nevertheless, according to a study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association has showed a strong connection between proton-pump that inhibiting antacid with dementia.

You should know that acid reflux is actually a deficiency of stomach acid or hypochlorhydria, while antacids treat hyperacidity. If you experience acid reflux, it means that the food stays in your stomach and ferments which leads to gas, heartburn and affects the esophagus as well.

Here are several factor that can cause low stomach acids:
  • Consumption of alcohol and carbonated beverages
  • Eating too much and too quickly
  • The consumption of large amounts of protein (especially red meat), dairy products, and refined food.
  • Smoking, because it affects digestion and slow down the healing of the stomach’s lining.

Long-term of stress
If you take antacid while you are on low level of stomach acid will weaken the digestive and immune system. Moreover, if the food has yet to be broken down properly, they body will lack essential nutrients which will affect your immune system, thus leading to various health conditions.

The most important thing you should know is that stomach acid is one of the strongest weapons to protect your body from harmful viruses and bacteria like H.Pylori.

You can easily test the level of your stomach acid at home using the following way:

Utilize Betaine HCL
This natural chemical substance is present in beets and its consumption will improve stomach acids. According to a research, the levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach will get lower after the age of 21. When it comes to hypochlorhydria, the use of betaine HCL is recommended by both medical doctors and naturalist. Moreover, HCL has the ability to treat acne, candida, gallstones and thyroid issues.

How to Do the Test
Make sure to consult your doctor before doing this test, and do not take betaine HCL If you are using anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and aspirin.

If you have history of ulcers or gastritis, avoid doing the test as well.

To do the test, consume one capsule of betaine hydrochloride at the first meal. Stop the test immediately if you experience pain or warm sensation in the stomach since it means you have a healthy stomach acid level.

On the other hand, if you don’t experience these discomforts, continue doing the test and increase the dose by one capsule at the next meal. You can continue taking them at most seven capsules in a meal.

If you are able to consume more than one capsule after a meal, it means that you are dealing with hypochlorydria. The condition is quite severe if you are able to take a lot of these capsules. However, if you experience the symptoms after increasing the dose, make sure to reduce it.

To treat the digestive issues as well as to improve your stomach acids health, combine the consumption of whole foods with taking betaine HCL.