Abdominal Distension: The Miraculous Method To Deflate Your Belly And Never Experience Bloating Again!

The swelling, gas, and constipation are very uncomfortable and are not always easy to alleviate, in short, all these symptoms called ABDOMINAL DISTENSION. But ancient Chinese medicine would tell us otherwise since there is an instant solution. It takes just a minute to perform and it’s very easy!

We are talking about Acupressure. That is the magic word to conquer the dreaded swelling, gas, and constipation.

Acupressure has existed for over 5,000 years. This ancient practice of healing should be doing something right … Chinese physicists have discovered that by pressing points on the body, it can relieve pain and also affect the functioning of certain internal organs.

Acupressure offers the perfect solution for an uncomfortable belly, and this article will show you the immediate relief in a few moments, but first, we will give a scientific glance at the swelling and how this annoying, sometimes embarrassing and painful symptom can develop.

Our diet contains numerous foods that make the belly swell and become flatulent. Ordinary meals are often poorly absorbed by the small intestine and create such nasty symptoms.

For example, dairy products like milk, yogurt, ice cream, and cheeses can trigger ABDOMINAL DISTENSION.

Many people are not aware that fruits like apples, pears, avocados (avocados), blackberries and plums can make you swell your abdomen.

Vegetables and legumes are also culprits that appear in the form of constipation, and some of them include broccoli, cauliflower, onions, garlic, aubergines, beans, and lentils. Even sugars like fructose that is present in beverages can cause bloating.

This 1-minute “auto-acupressure” technique will make you feel quite relieved and content. Let’s find the magic point now!

Measure the thickness of 2 fingers under the navel on both sides. Press your fingers into the abdomen and begin to gently massage the area for 1 minute. Massaging this point helps relieve stomach cramps, as well as bloating, gas, constipation and other digestive problems.

You can also press this point with your fingertips. If the pressure with the fingertips is too much, then you can simply press with the palm. Press this point for 1 minute and concentrate on breathing deeply and relaxing your whole body.

The beauty of this 1-minute acupressure technique to relieve constipation is in its simplicity and speed. You can perform this method lying in bed, standing and even sitting. Any of these 3 positions will deliver effective results.

Considering this simple 1-minute technique is a wise choice since you have nothing to lose and can be done quickly in the privacy of the home. It is healthy, good for the body and has many positive effects!

We advise you to always consult your doctor and have monthly checks if your health needs it.