Detect Colon Cancer Early

Colon cancer is dangerous, and difficult to detect. There are certain symptoms that can be early warning signs of the disease. Learn how to detect colon cancer early in this article.

Colon cancer is one of the most diagnosed types of cancer in the world. It’s a cancer that develops in the part of the digestive system called the colon, or the rectum, generally over a period of 10 – 15 years.  It starts with slight swelling of the tissue in the colon, and over time becomes cancerous.

In the beginning, this type of cancer is silent and presents no concrete or alarming symptoms; which makes it very dangerous because many times by the time it is detected it may be too late.  It’s very important to get regular check-ups and be aware of any changes in bowel movements, which can be one of the first signs of this terrible disease.

Symptoms to watch out for
One of the biggest disadvantages of colon cancer is that it doesn’t present any specific symptoms in the beginning; small signs can be confused with other more common digestive problems. That’s why it’s very important to consult with a medical specialist for any type of digestive troubles, changes in bowel movements, or blood in the stool.

The following are some other symptoms that could help you detect colon cancer early:
  • Bloody, black, or tarry stool.
  • Intestinal changes affecting digestion.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Diarrhea, straining or the sensation that the intestines are not completely evacuated.
  • Stool harder than normal
  • Strong abdominal cramps, swelling, gas
  • Obstruction of the intestine
  • Chronic anemia due to low iron due to hemmohraging and blood in the stool
  • Constant tiredness and fatigue
  • Weight loss and loss of appetite
  • Fever and general discomfort

How can you prevent colon cancer?
Prevention of colon cancer is possible, and every one of us are responsible for this. There are different ways to prevent this diseases, and to know which one is right for you, you should know how much at risk you are to develop colon cancer.
  • One of the ways to prevent this cancer is to be aware of your genetics.  You should be aware of your family history, and find out if anyone in your family has suffered from colon cancer- this could be a key factor in helping detect it in time, along with finding the best treatment.
  • If you feel you may be experiencing symptoms of colon cancer,  it’s very important to see a specialist and get and exam, and if possible, a colonoscopy.
  • If you are over 50, you are at a higher risk of colon cancer.  For this reason, you should have more frequent check-ups.
  • Avoid consumption of tobacco and alcohol; these bad habits are a big cause of colon cancer, according to a study conducted by the Word Cancer Research Fund.
  • Watching what you eat is another way to prevent colon cancer, as well as other types of diseases. Nutrition has a big impact on the cure or development of the illness. In the case of colon cancer, it is recommended avoiding red meat, and opt instead for chicken or fish.  It is highly recommended to consume whole grains, legumes, whole wheat, dried fruit, organic vegetables, and foods rich in calcium.
  • Consume foods rich in Vitamin D and minerals.
  • Drinking water is great for your health, and for your organs in general. Drinking water daily is ideal for cancer prevention.
  • Reduce refined sugars; instead use natural sweeteners with honey or agave nectar.
  • Staying active. Persons who are obese have a higher tendency to develop colon cancer and other diseases.
  • Keep good, healthy habits- like exercising 30 minutes per day, 4 days per week; this will help prevent an array of illnesses and promote healthy organs.