Early Warning Signs of Diabetes That Most Medical Professionals Don’t Even Know

One of the most common conditions these days is diabetes, it affects around 29.1 million Americans. Unfortunately, most of us think that we know everything related to this disease, which of course, is not true. For example, you probably know that it’s a condition that influences blood sugar and that diet is essential for proper management.

Symptoms including blurry vision, disability to heal injuries, and excessive thirst are also considered as common knowledge. However, there are many symptoms which you might not know. Therefore you could miss the signs showing that you are at risk for diabetes.

This disease has a large influence on your everyday life. Also, you will need to change your lifestyle in order to keep it in line. However, if you identify the following unusual signs, you can avoid diabetes and all its complications.


1. You’re Constantly Itchy
Because diabetes influences blood flow, it is very common to have a dry and itchy skin. If creams and moisturizers are not helpful you should see your doctor and check your sugar levels.

2. Your Skin is Changing, for the Worse
Our skin ages as we do, which is the main reason why crow’s feet and wrinkles are an aging problem. But, changes such as dark spots on the skin, mainly on the elbows, knuckles and back of the neck, can indicate diabetes.

This is due to a condition called acanthosis nigrican and high blood sugar is connected with the growth of skin cells and melanin.

You can solve this issue if you lose weight or treat the area with a topical cream which your dermatologist should prescribe you.

3. Your Hearing is Changing
Although aging normally causes these changes, diabetes can also harm your hearing. A study by the National Institutes of Health, claims that pre-diabetes can lead to hearing loss.  This condition is defined by sugar levels which are higher than average but under what would be considered diabetic and it is the connected to 30% increase in hearing loss.

Researchers think that diabetes damages blood vessels and nerves in the ear, which can lead to bad hearing.

4. Your Vision has Slightly Improved
If your prescription is getting stronger over time, then you take off your glasses to read, it might be a sign that you have high blood sugar levels.

Although diabetes is usually associated with reduced vision, vision can also improve in some situations. This is due to the change in fluid levels in the eyes that diabetes causes. So, you need to report any change to your vision, despite either it is good or bad.

Most of the time when a condition is so common we think that we know everything about it. But, every health condition can show itself in very uncommon ways.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it is necessary to check your blood sugar levels. Although it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is an instant diagnosis of diabetes, but it is possible that it might happen.