Only A Glass of This Juice Will Help You Unclog Arteries

The increase in cholesterol accumulation in the body has made heart attack or stroke a very common disease in the US.

It is really shocking that 1 out of 3 deaths occur in the US is due to cardiovascular disease.

The numbers of people dying due to a heart attack are high. Every single day 2500 people are dying due to cardiovascular disease.

The accumulation of cholesterol and the clogged arteries are the main causes of the heart attacks.

The current unhealthy lifestyle and high consumption of processed and fatty food are responsible for fat accumulation in the blood vessels.

But nature has a solution for every medical condition. Here is an excellent recipe which cleanses the body and eliminates the toxins from the blood vessels.

It helps to unclog the blood vessels by removing the fat from it and avoid the heart attacks in future.
Unclog Arteries Remedy

Things you need:
  • Tomato juice- 1 cup (freshly squeezed)
  • Grated ginger- 1 tbsp
  • Pepper- ½ tsp
  • Lemon juice- ¼ cup
  • Celery stalks- 2
  • Squeeze 1 cup of tomato juice from 2-3 tomatoes and add 1 tbsp of grated ginger to it.
  • Add ½ tsp of pepper, ¼ cup of lemon juice and 2 celery stalks to it.
  • Blend all the ingredients to make a delicious drink
  • Heat the drink a bit so that you enjoy it as a soup.
  • Drink this soup just before the meals or in between the meals.
  • Enjoy 3 cups a day to keep the heart disease at bay.
  • This taste drink will help you to remove the accumulated fat from the blood vessels and thus it will be easy to keep track on your blood pressure as well.
Use this drink regularly to protect your body from a heart attack.