4 Major Heart Attack Red Flags You Need To Know

A heart attack is a very serious medical condition in which the supply of blood to the heart is obstructed, typically by a blood clot. As mentioned above, it is extremely serious and dangerous condition, so make sure you all 911 in case you suspect a heart attack.

Coronary heart disease, also known as CHD, is considered as the major cause of heart attacks.  This condition is characterized by clogged up blood vessels, meaning those that supply the heart. They are clogged up by plaques, commonly known as deposits of cholesterol.

Prior a heart attack occurs, one of the plaques bursts, forming a blood clot at the side of the rupture. The same clot may restrict or completely block the supply of blood to the heart, which eventually causes a heart attack.

It is generally accepted that the major symptom of a heart attack include chest pain, when the chest can feel like squeezed by an object or pressed by something heavy, and pain can go all along the chest to the jaw, neck, back, and arms.  Other common signs of a heart attack include shortness of breath, lightheadedness, nausea, and cold sweats.

However, contrary to popular belief, not every heart attack is manifested by chest pain or lightheadedness. As a matter of fact, up to 25 percent of all heart attacks are silent, meaning that they occur without any classic warning signs, such as chest pain. This causes people to mistake their heart attack with other medical condition and not seeking immediate medical attention. Consequently, a great deal of heart attack cases end up fatally. Dr. Chauncey Crandall, an eminent American cardiologist, spent many years working on prevention and reversal of heart disease.  He eventually concluded that the heart sends warning signs of potential heart attack minutes, days, and weeks before it occurs.

Here are some of those signs:

1. Swelling
Many people associated swollen feet and ankles with excessive standing or sitting. However, it turns out that heart problems can also cause fluid to accumulate in these areas, causing them to swell. Due to this fluid retention, some people may lose their appetite but gain weight.

2. Anxiety
May patients who had a heart attack had reported feeling anxiety attacks before the moment of the attack.  While anxious individuals often think that they are having a heart attack, it is still recommended to call 911 and stay on the safe side.

3. Pain in Other Parts of the Body
The pain typically begins in the chest and then spreads to the jaw, neck, shoulders, elbows, arms, and the abdomen. The pain felt between the bladders or in the arms is extremely common sign of a heart attack.

4. Coughing
Sometimes those with heart failure cough up phlegm, a mucous-like substance which may be even tinged with blood. This is particularly common in case of pneumonia, a lung infection.  The coughing stems from fluid accumulation in the lungs, which makes breathing more difficult.

Note: NEVER ignore these signs, hoping that they will go away on their own. In case they persist for more than a couple of minutes, have someone drive you to the ambulance or call them right away. Unless you are allergic to aspirin, taking one is a good idea.