Early Warning Signs Your Body Has Too Much Estrogen (Millions Of Women Unknowingly Have This!)

Among the female hormone, Estrogen is the dominant one. You can look it as a group of hormones which comes under the title of estrogens and these hormones are responsible for secondary sex characteristics in the female. It includes the proliferation of the uterine lining and development of breast tissue.

It also prepares the female body for the ovulation process. Whereas some estrogen group hormones are also responsible for increasing the risk of cancer such as breast cancer in the female.

An excessive amount of estrogen in the ‘bad’ form is now common among the females in North America. The reason behind the increase in estrogen level is much such as caffeine intake, stress, birth control pills with synthetic estrogens.

Sometimes the xeno-estrogens from cleaning products, cosmetics, and plastics along with hormone replacement therapy can lead to the excessive level of estrogen in the female body. Apart from this, the environmental factors are also responsible for the issues related to “Estrogen Dominance” in women.

Some of the common symptoms of estrogen dominance consist of  include
  • Premenstrual symptoms of breast tenderness
  • Stubborn weight gain
  • Acne
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Brain fog
  • Fatigue
In the worst case, the estrogen dominance can also contribute the health conditions such as infertility, repeated miscarriages, fibrocystic breasts,  endometriosis and uterine fibroids. It also increases the risk of cancers cells in the female.

Here are some other symptoms of estrogen dominance:
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Cold hands and feet (an indication of thyroid dysfunction)
  • Sluggish metabolism
  • Bloating (water retention)
  • Headaches (especially premenstrually)
  • Mood swings (irritability and depression)
  • Irregular or abnormal menstrual periods
  • PMS
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble sleeping/insomnia
You diet can play an important role in the estrogen detoxification process. The diet will also help to regulate the action of estrogen and will clear the liver and make it estrogen free.

Here are some tips you can follow related to a diet which helps to improve the hormonal balance, help in weight loss and provides clearer skin.

Rosemary is very useful to enhance the development of estrogen (good hormones) in the body to keep you healthy. It act as an antioxidant and provide relief from free radicals. It also helps to control the mood swings, enhance memory, helps in weight loss, promote thyroid function and improves the energy levels in the body by proper metabolism. Thus, it is beneficial to add rosemary in your diet.

Cruciferous vegetables
These are the vegetables which belong to the cabbage family. There are several vegetables in this category such as cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts broccoli, kale, spinach,  bok choy, collard greens along with other leafy green vegetables.

All these vegetables  are rich in a nutrient known as indole-3-carbinol, or I3C. Now, once the I3C enters our body it gets converted to diindolylmethane (DIM), which is responsible for the removal  of excess estrogens in the liver. It is recommended to eat at least 3-4 servings of these vegetables in a week.

For the proper estrogen metabolism, you can have 2-4 tbsp of powdered flaxseed every day.  It consists of  lignans, which help to remove the excessive estrogens from the body. It also consists of phytoestrogens, which take cares of proper binding of estrogen with  estrogen receptors. Thus, as it moderates the proper level of estrogen in the body you can term flaxseed as a single remedy to many female health issues.

Additionally, it helps to get relief from constipation and inflammation due to the high content of omega-3 fats and fiber. You can consume the seed in the powdered form and can store it in the fridge

Isoflavones are mostly found in soy and act as an effective antioxidant to increase the good estrogens in our body.  Many times the soy is heavily processed so you can check for the herbs such as Trifolium pratense, Pueraria lobata, and Pueraria Montana. You can put this herb in teas or can consume in the form of a capsule to get an adequate dose of isoflavones to maintain estrogen in the body.

Salmon and other fatty fish
The omega-3 fatty acid and EPA content are very high in Salmon and other fatty fish. It acts as a rich source of anti-inflammatory oil. It is very useful to treat the medical conditions such as depression, ADHD, anxiety along with cardiovascular disease and treat inflammatory conditions.

It promotes the development  of “good” estrogens in the body.  You can enjoy 2-3 servings per week of any fatty fish or go for a supplement of fish oil.
Activated folic acid

If you want to decrease the risk of cancer then folic acid is a single ingredient to convert estrogen into healthy, methylated form. This conversion is very important for DNA synthesis,  hormone metabolism, and nervous system function along with  homocysteine metabolism. But unfortunately, many people are unable to transform folate into the active 5-methyltetrahydrofolate.

The B vitamins to supplement which consist of B6 and B12  helps in folic acid metabolism and convert estrogen into anti-cancer form. The important ingredient folic acid abounds present in dark leafy greens. So, start the intake of dark leafy greens on a daily basis in a small amount.

So, if you experience any of the signs of estrogen dominance then be sure that it is a big health issue for a female. Immediately take the appointment of a doctor and start your treatment.

This treatment will help you to get healthy and help life with pain-free periods and glowing skin.